Sensory-Friendly Holiday Decorating Guide


Navigating the holiday season can be a challenging experience for families, particularly those with children with specific sensory needs. While holiday decorations bring joy and festivity, they can also be overwhelming and stressful for some children.

Understanding these unique challenges, it's essential to approach holiday decorating with care and consideration. By focusing on sensory-friendly practices, families can create an environment that is not only festive but also comfortable and accommodating for all members, especially children who are neurodiverse.

This guide offers practical tips and thoughtful strategies to ensure a sensory-friendly holiday experience, making the season enjoyable and inclusive for everyone.

Holiday Decorating Guide

Check-in with Your Orchid Academy Team!:
Are there specific holiday traditions that are meaningful to your family? Your BCBA can help break traditions down into steps, create visual schedules, practice routines (e.g., unwrapping presents, lighting candles, etc.), and may even be able to attend events during the work day.

Sensory Considerations:
Choose decorations with soft textures, calming colors, and gentle lights. This allows your child to pick what feels just right for them.

Visual Schedules:
Use a simple visual schedule or a holiday calendar to gently guide your child through the different phases of holiday decoration. This way, they can anticipate changes and transitions. Don’t forget to include taking down decorations!

Gradual Introduction:
Introduce decorations gradually to create a cozy, festive atmosphere without overwhelming your child all at once.

Personalized Decorations:
Share the joy of decorating by involving your child in creating or customizing decorations. This adds a special touch and makes the decorations more personal.

Quiet Spaces:
Designate cozy, quiet spaces where your child can take a break if the holiday excitement becomes a bit much. Keep these spaces simple and comforting.

Choose Safe Decorations:
If your child has low muscle town (trouble holding heavy items) or may throw an item if upset, choose soft and light decorations, avoiding fragile ornaments that may break and create dangerous situations.

Include Them In Decorating - Give Choices!:
Give your child a choice of decorations and allow them to place them anywhere in your home. Honor their choice of location.


At Orchid, we believe in creating life-changing outcomes for your child and family. Helping support you during the holiday season or other family traditions throughout the year is key to our mission. Please tell us how we can support you during this time!


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